About Me

My photo
I am retired from the Army. I enjoy meeting people, and having drinks with friends. I enjoy movies, and golfing. I have 5 cats, and I love to run and workout. I love my husband and two boys!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Goals or Objectives

The calendar I am using for my Original Filofax has a section for monthly goals. I did a little research and found this chart on line. I need to focus on objectives which I can measure...like lose 5 pounds or read a book a month...that I can do.

                                    Comparison chart



Meaning The purpose toward which an endeavor is directed. Something that one's efforts or actions are intended to attain or accomplish; purpose; target.
Example I want to achieve success in the field of genetic research and do what no one has ever done. I want to complete this thesis on genetic research by the end of this month.
Action Generic action, or better still, an outcome towards which we strive. Specific action - the objective supports attainment of the associated goal.
Measure Goals may not be strictly measurable or tangible. Must be measurable and tangible.
Time frame Longer term Mid to short term

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


I am determined to make some positive changes in 2014. To stop dwelling on the past! To be in the moment. To stop procrastinating. To eat better and make physical fitness a priority!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

A New Approach for a New Year

Blogging is not for everyone, and it appears not for me. It is hard for me to find the time to post on a regularly, so I am going to try planning my posts. For 2014, I have decided to dedicate three days of the month to blogging, 1st or 2nd, 15th and 30th. Hopefully, I will have something to say worth saying, it not, I will say it anyway.  I am going to plan more, so I can do some of the things I really enjoy..running, reading, and trying to blog!

This is off topic, but I wanted to write about it.

In 2013, I had too many of gadgets, apps and calendars (Filofax Personal, Erin Condren, Moleskin planners).  To get my day started I had to remember to bring my phone, iPod, ear  phones, iPad, Blackberry (work), attach my Fitbit or my body media to my clothing or on me. When I arrived to work, I had to plug in my iPhone, iPod, and iPad.  It was too much! To make matters worse, I was using several apps for my workouts and tracking food intake.  In addition, I was using a couple of productivity apps.

I am cutting back.  I have decided to stick with my Fitbit, and Nike+ for my physical activity.  I am going to use Evernote to manage my documents, and Nook and iBook  apps for my magazines and books.  I am using the Filofax A5 for my calendar. That is it.  As much as I like the Moleskin, and Erin Condren, I just cannot keep up with so many calendars.

I hope to have positive results to report on January 15.